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The Soulshine Stand



Paperback Writer
Writing Navigation & Editing Services

Tiffany has been writing and editing for 30 years. Her basic hourly rate* for (re)writing and revising is a tribute to the school year(s) she was first part of a newsletter "advice column" and served as the publication's print editor.


She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from The University of Arizona. During her years studying at UofA Tiffany contributed to both the school paper, the Daily Wildcat, as well as the oldest continually published newspaper in Arizona, the historical Tombstone Epitaph. She was also part of the research and writing team for a book highlighting the history of Stanford Football's miraculous 1940 Rose Bowl season (and the "reintroduction of the T-formation and its profound and enduring effect on football") entitled "The Wow Boys".


As a Production Assistant for Fox Sports television her responsibilities included writing and editing a variety of news reports, story lines, and planning Q&A for recorded and live television productions. She also served as an on-air assistant, behind the scenes producer and editor, and sideline reporter.


Tiffany co-hosted and managed a Fox Sports Radio show entitled "Not Just Sports" and composed timelines, schedules, guest bios, and an endless array of other neccessary transcripts . Her on-air segment entitled "Tiffany's Take" was a carefully crafted monologue regarding current events in sports.


On a personal note, Tiffany has been authoring her first novel, a fictional story about romance found deep beneath the chaos of modern day life. Little is known publicly about the characters and plotline, but without a doubt her journals and laptop contain tens of thousands of words that will change the way people look at love, joy, and soul searching.


Tiffany is also raising four young children while running relleK life, a personalized life services company that encompasses everything from healthy habits to unique resources for living life to the fullest "sparkling" extent, pun intended. She is in her fifth year as a mobile Lucky Locks partner, offering hand tied silk hair sparkling extension & festering services far and wide for individuals and events. She is the sole scribe and editor for all of relleK's online presence, social media, advertisements, emails, responses, recognitions, and ministrations.


(re)Writing and revising documents, papers, essays, thesis studies, websites, and marketing materials alongside books and stories became her secondhand work based on a natural talent realized at a young age. That annoying person who comments "you're" when someone incorrectly uses "your" may not secure her title as the life of the party, but does mean she is always and forever an editor at heart.


Given her background and knowledge, Tiffany has been called upon for decades to reexamine work, compose a variety of documents, and generally ensure that a comma splice never makes it to the public eye. She is passionate about correct usage of punctuation and plurals as well as using synonyms to expand vocabulary of both her writing clients and their readers.


Tiffany's compositions and corrections can assist in execution of brilliant written and spoken word. No one should be without the service of a well trained and fervent wordsmith.

relleK life
& (re)directions

events & productions

personal wellness mapping

(re)Treats & joy hours

postpartum support

motherhood journeys

writing wayfarer

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